Who Are We
Greetings, Phoenix Parent Network members and families! Thank you for your hard work each year. It doesn't go unnoticed! It's only because of the tireless efforts of our members that we have a thriving educational community where students have the resources and support they need to achieve their academic and personal goals. The Phoenix Parent Network has a clear and unwavering agenda that's also very simple: We are working to help our students succeed. Successful students make a successful school, which makes our community continue to grow and thrive. Everyone benefits by supporting our students!
The Phoenix Parent Network may be relatively small due to the size of our school and local community. But what we lack in physical size we make up for in influence and energy. As we support students, we work to build strong relationships between students, parents, teachers, and the school as a whole. Our organization actively engages in event organization, teacher appreciation activities, fundraising, discussion of education issues, school reform efforts, and much more. In the past, we have even worked as mediators when conflicts have arisen. If there's an educational or support niche to be filled, look to the Phenix Parent Network to fill it or find someone who can.
Have questions? We love questions! Peruse the roster of officers and leaders below to find the appropriate individual to contact.
- President: Josie Almack
- Vice President (1): Mariah Barlowe
- Vice President (2): Christopher Jeske
- Recording Secretary: Kelsey Neal
- Corresponding Secretary: Allison McClaren
- Treasurer: Cora Low
- Parliamentarian: Matthew Ashline
- Membership Chairperson: Priscilla Meunier
- Fundraising Chairperson: Savannah Webb