Welcome to the Phoenix Parent Network
Welcome parents, teachers, and other student supporters! The Phoenix Parent Network has a clear agenda based on helping students succeed. When students are successful, schools are successful, which makes our community thrive. It's simple: Everyone benefits by supporting students!
The Phoenix Parent Network is a thriving and active group of dedicated parents and teachers working together to advocate for all children. As an association, we believe that empowering families and communities to support students is a vital mission. Our goal is to help every child reach their full potential. We work toward this goal by partnering with many organizations and individuals to broaden our network. We remain fully committed to every student's educational success by fostering strong families and ongoing community engagement. We uphold full accountability in our efforts and initiatives, and we work hard to acknowledge, respect, and maintain diversity among all members and students.
The Phoenix Parent Network engages in ongoing efforts to institute local programs, access grant funding, produce resources for teachers and students, and maintain a thriving educational community. Members of the our parent network not only have an opportunity to support students and teachers, but they also receive perks such as yearbook discounts, school T-shirts, and discounts at local businesses.